See the surcharges and fees for transport to and from Denmark here. If you need to know the charges for other countries, please contact your local GNE office

Fuel Surcharges

June 2021

Iceland: 35.20%
Faroe Islands: 13.20%
Greenland: 3.00%
Container haulage: 19.90%

May 2021

Iceland: 34.80%
Faroe Islands: 13.00%
Greenland: 3.00%
Container haulage: 19.00%

Please be aware that the diesel surcharge will be adjusted if Blue Water’s expense and pricing structure changes.

New Maut tariff as from 1 January 2019

The German Authorities have now introduced the new Maut tariff effective from 1 January 2019.

This involves an increase in all forms of Road Transport to and from Germany as well as in transit.

The Maut increase will for instance have the following effect on haulage to and from Hamburg and Bremerhaven:
Maut on haulage via Hamburg will increase from DKK 245 to DKK 340
Maut on haulage via Bremerhaven will increase from DKK 563 to DKK 650

If you have any questions to the above, please do not hesitate to call GNE

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